Stewardship at Eight Dollar Mountain

The Socially Distant Edition

KS Wild partners with the Forest Service and local community members to protect and defend the natural resources of the Eight Dollar Mountain and Days Gulch botanical areas, which are nestled on the edge of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and along the Wild & Scenic Illinois River.

This time of year, the botanical area captivates the senses with the sweet aroma of wild Azaleas, the vibrant colors of violet Penstemon’s, and the endless flutter of butterflies and bees.

A White Brodiaea wildflower with illegal off road vehicle damage to the botanical area in the background.jpeg

Unfortunately, these natural resources in a designated botanical area are continually at risk from vehicles going off road and destroying plant life.

This is the third successive year that volunteers, community members, partner organizations and agencies collaborated to protect, defend, and restore this botanical area from vehicles illegally going off road.

Our volunteers documented a new route made by an off road vehicle who illegally trespassed into the botanical area, damaging plant life.

Socially distancing and picking up trash as we monitor the botanical area.jpeg

However, this year looked a little different and rather than our usual 2-day restoration and campout event Memorial Day weekend, we instead socially distanced ourselves in teams of three for photo monitoring, trash clean-up, and to install a missing botanical area signage.

All hope is not lost for this botanical area, and we are starting to see signs of plant regeneration in some areas that have been damaged by illegal off-road vehicles. We are witnessing three new Jeffrey pine saplings in a disturbed meadow, and new signs of plant life along some of the illegally made routes, but until proper barriers are put in place to keep illegal off-road vehicles out, then this destruction will continue throughout the botanical area.

We are so grateful for the hardworking and dedicated volunteers who return to this area year after year to defend what they love! Thank you for your vigilance!

What can You do to help?

Sign up as a volunteer with PLAY (Public Lands And You), KS Wild’s Stewardship program, and indicate your interest in the Eight Dollar Mountain botanical area restoration project.