Climate Change in the Era of Megafires


The climate crisis affects our global ecosystem. There is no way to contain its impacts to the borders or boundaries of one region. Smoke from Australia’s fires reach around the globe. The burning of the Amazon impacts the whole earth. Some landscapes feel more impacted than others. But in truth, there is no place to escape the impacts of climate change. When the landscape and environment of a region changes, it also affects the community, the people that are living there. Climate change induced fires are affecting our social values such as water and our way of life.

In this episode of One Foot in the Black, we look closer at how climate change is impacting fire behavior in the West, and how we’re living through an era of Megafires. We talk to fire professionals and climate scientists about the increasing intensity of fire behavior, and ask the questions: how are we going to manage fires in the era of climate change? And what does climate adaptation look like in the context of fighting fire or preparing for fire season?

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Links & Resources

CalFire statistics on incidents from 2020:

Pyne, Stephen J. (2021, August 18). Welcome to the Pyrocene. Grist.

Pyne, Stephen J. (2019, November 20). The Planet is Burning. AEON.

Show Credits

Featured guests:

Mike Beasley, Founding Board member, Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE)

Tim Ingalsbee, Executive Director, Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics, and Ecology (FUSEE)

Chris Chambers, Ashland District Wildlands Division Fire Chief

Jessica Halofsky, Director Northwest Climate Hub

Hosts: Joseph Vaile and Alexi Lovechio

Producer: Jessica Klinke

Editorial Support: Dean Hawn

Episode Transcript (Coming Soon)

Episode Guests: